Heidi Wendt

Certified ISR Instructor

When our daughter Abby was born, I knew that I wanted her to learn to love the water but more importantly, to be safe in the water. We lived on a lake in Idaho and enjoyed a lot of boating, swimming, and water skiing. So when Abby was 6 months old, I enrolled her in a "Mommy and Me Waterbabies" class. After 1.5 years of "lessons" she still could not save herself if she found herself in the water alone. She was not safe!

I had always hoped to find a program like ISR that actually taught babies how to aquatic problem-solve. It seemed that such a program did not exist until one day by chance, a friend sent me the link of baby Miles floating. I was ecstatic! I knew that I had to enroll my daughter!

After learning that the closest ISR lessons were more than 300 miles away, I realized how much the area in which I lived needed a Certified ISR Instructor. I decided to do whatever it took to become an Instructor myself so that I could not only help my daughter with these life-saving skills, but many other children as well.

After becoming a Certified ISR Instructor, our family moved to Pensacola, FL because there were no Instructors in the area and I saw the tremendous need. I've have taught for 14 wonderful years so far and have loved every minute of it!

I am thrilled to be an ISR Instructor and to be part of such a dynamic and important
organization, helping kids become aquatic problem-solvers. It is absolutely the most rewarding experience I've never had to see small children and babies learn how to hold their breath under water, how to get to the surface of the water, how to roll on to their backs to float and breathe and rest, and then to swim to safety.

I love working with children and am constantly in awe at their ability to save themselves in such an unforgiving environment. I hope you'll decide to give your child these skills! I will be absolutely honored to have your child in lessons with me!

Contact at: Heidi@InfantSwimPensacola.com

Rick Wendt

Certified ISR INstructor

I was actively involved when our daughter Abby participated in the ISR program. I took Abby to and from lessons each day as Heidi was becoming Certified at the same time.

I was shocked at the difference a couple of weeks made! By the end of Abby's training she had a totally different relationship and confidence in and around water. What I didn't realize was how much different I would feel after Abby completed the program. I was WAY more relaxed around water because I didn't have to be 100% focused on Abby and where she was. I could actually feel safe looking away for a second or two.

Over the years I marveled at the number of parents that would contact Heidi and extend their heartfelt appreciation because their child had been involved in a water incident. Their child was OK due to the ISR lessons they received from Heidi!

About the only consistent complaint heard from Heidi all these years is the frustration she would feel about not being able to keep up with the demand. It was tough on her living with the fear that something might happen to a child that she could not fit into her schedule.

A little over three years ago the opportunity presented itself for me to become a Certified Instructor as well. I jumped at the chance!

There is nothing I love to see more than a child rolling from a face down position in the water into a beautiful back float! Kids are really amazing at what they can learn and do!

I will be absolutely honored to have your child in lessons with me!

Contact at: Rick@InfantSwimPensacola.com

Others you may see during your visit...


the one that started it all!

Abby is the reason we became familiar with ISR. At age 3 Abby learned how to swim, float, swim via ISR lessons. Heidi went through ISR Instructor training at the same time. Although Abby doesn't remember taking the lessons, she has always had an appreciation of ISR. Her goal is to become a Certified ISR Instructor someday, but for now you may she her in the water from time to time helping out.

Kabuki & Callie

Baby Boy & Mamma Cat

Kabuki is the orange tiger cat. Callie is his mother. Callie came to us as a stray. Little did we know at the time she was pregnant with nine kittens! Eight of the kittens found other homes but Kabuki connected with Abby so he stayed. You may see them both strolling through the yard or chasing butterflies and lizards. They are typical cats! They may or may not come up to you. It all really depends on the mood they are in that day!


newest addition to the family

A rescue puppy. She's pretty much scared of her own shadow but has come a long way! You probably won't see her much, but if you do she will be in the screen porch. She loves to lay in the sun.

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